





( )1.A. across B. away C. agree D. able


( )2.A. training B. brain C. remain D. said


( )3.A. cow B. throw C. low D. own


( )4.A. pleasure B. sure C. Russia D. procession


( )5.A. till B. wide C. polite D. decide




( )6. The flowers in our school _______ the beauty of our campus.

A. add B. add to C. add up to D. add up


( )7. The boy wanted to ride his bicycle in the streetbut his mother told him _______.

A. not to B. not to do C. not do it D. do not to


( )8. She thought I was talking about her daughter______in factI was talking about my daughter.

A. whom B. where C. which D. while


( )9. You don‘t need to describe her. I _______ her several times.

A. had met B. have met C. met D. meet


( )10. Can you believe that in _______ a rich country _______ there should be many poor people?

A. such; such B. such; so C. so; so D. so; such


( )11. Paul doesn‘t have to be made ________. He always works hard.

A. learn B. to learn C. learned D. learning


( )12.—There were already five people in the car but they managed to take me as well.—It _______ a comfortable journey.

A. can‘t be B. shouldn’t be C. mustn‘t have been D. couldn’t have been


( )13. If by any chance someone comes to see meask them to leave a _______.

A. message B. letter C. sentence D. notice


( )14. _______Mother will wait for him to have dinner together.

A. However late is he B. However he is late

C. However is he late D. However late he is


( )15. Alicewhy didn‘t you come yesterday?

I but I had an unexpected visitor.

A. had B. would C. was going to D. did


( )16.—Who is Jerry Cooper?

— _______? I saw you shaking hands with him at the meeting.

A. Don‘t you meet him yet B. Hadn’t you met him yet

C. Didn‘t you meet him yet D. Haven’t you met him yet


( )17. We agreed ________ here but so far she hasn‘t turned up yet.

A. having met B. meeting C. to meet D. to have met


( )18. What did you think of her speech?

She _______for one hour but didn‘t _______ much.

A. spoke; speak B. spoke; say C. said; speak D. said; say


( )19. After living in Paris for fifty years he returned to the small town _______ he grew up as a child.

A. which B. where C. that D. when


( )20. As she _______ the newspaperGranny ________ asleep.

A. read; was falling B. was reading; fell

C. was reading; was falling D. read; fell


( )21. How beautifully she sings! I have never heard ________.

A. the better voice B. a good voice

C. the best voice D. a better voice


( )22. Wait till you are more ________. It‘s better to be sure than sorry.

A. inspired B. satisfied C. calm D. certain


( )23.—HiTracyyou look tired.

—I am tired. I _______ the living room all day.

A. painted B. had painted C. have been painting D. have painted


( )24.—How was your recent visit to Qingdao?

—It was great. We visited some friendsand spent the _______ days at the seaside.

A. few last sunny B. last few sunny

C. last sunny few D. few sunny last


( )25. I first met Lisa three years ago. She ________ at a radio shop at the time.

A. has worked B. was working C. had been working D. had worked


( )26.—When can I come for the photos? I need them tomorrow afternoon.

—They _______ be ready by 1200.

A. can B. should C. might D. need


( )27. Yesterday Alice ________ a wallet on her way to school.

A. picked up B. picked out C. throw away D. kick away


( )28. While standing therethe nice girl found the stranger‘s eyes _______ her.

A. fixed up B. looked at C. stared at D. glared at


( )29. _______ we‘ll go camping tomorrow depends on the weather.

A. If B. Whether C. That D. Where


( )30. The girl cried out“I ________ go out today.”

A. had better not to B. had rather not

C. would rather not to D. would rather not




If we were asked exactly what we were doing a year agowe should probably have to say that we could not remember. But if we had kept a book and written in it an account of _31_ each daywe should be able to give an answer _32_ the question.

It is the same in the history. _33_ have been forgotten because we do not have any written account of them. Sometimes men _34_ a record of the important happenings in _35_ country_36_ often it was destroyed by fire or in a war. Sometimes there was never any written record at all because the people _37_ did not know how to write. For examplewe know _38_ the people who lived in China 4000 years agobecause they could write and _39_ written records for these who live _40_ them. But we know _41_ nothing about the people who lived even 200 years ago in Central Africabecause they _42_.

Sometimesof courseeven if the people cannot writethey may know something of the past. They have learned about it from _43_ peopleand often songs and dances and stories have been made about the most important happeningsand these have been sung and acted and told _44_ many generations (後代)Most people are proud to tell _45_ their fathers did in the past. This we may call “remembered history”_46_ has now been written down. It is not so exact _47_ so valuable to us _48_ written history isbecause words are much more easily _49_ when used again and again in speech than copied in writing. But _50_ no written recordssuch spoken stories are often very helpful.

( )31.A. what to do B. what we did C. how to do D. how we did


( )32.A. for B. in C. on D. to


( )33.A. all things B. Many things C. More D. Much


( )34.A. did keep B. should keep C. would keep D. were keeping


( )35.A. our B. your C. their D. his


( )36.A. still B. but C. even D. or


( )37.A. when and where B. of when and where C. that time and place D. of that time and place


( )38.A. a good deal about B. a lot of about C. many D. much


( )39.A. left B. gave C. leave D. send


( )40.A. before B. after C. later D. for


( )41.A. almost B. most C. at most D. mostly


( )42.A. have not learned to write B. have learned to write

C. had learned how to write D. had not learned to write


( )43.A. older B. the oldest C. outside D. most


( )44.A. by B. about C. for D. within


( )45.A. how B. which C. that D. what


( )46.A. Some of it B. Some of them C. All of it D. Many of them


( )47.A. and B. or C. yet D. even


( )48.A. as B. that C. such D. so


( )49.A. moved B. forgotten C. recited D. changed


( )50.A. where B. there C. where there are D. where they are





First there was learning. This has always been an important part of human life. By imitating their parentschildren learned to huntto make toolsand to take care of themselves and others.

Next came education. This was possible only after people developed language. Then adults could explain how to do things. They could talk about traditionsbeliefsand ceremonies of the group. Stilleducation was oral. Children could learn only what their teachers could remember.

Finallyschools were created. They came into being because writing was invented. The first system for writing appeared about 3500 B.C. in Sumeriaa land that is now Iraq. The Sumerians also invented a system for calculating with numbers. About 500 years laterthe Egyptians discovered writing and calculationtoo. And shortly after thatboth the Sumerians and the Egyptians started schools. Being able to read and write they allowed people to learn anything that could be recorded. But the early systems were complicated. Children couldn‘t learn them just by watching. That’s why schools became a necessity.

Those first students learned readingwritingand calculation. Having these skills gave people great power over those who did not have them. Some 5000 years laterthis is still true.

( )51. The main idea of this article is that schools ________.

A. had great power B. became necessary for learning

C. taught children to hunt D. developed language


( )52. You can decide from the article that schools have ________.

A. made education difficult B. held back learning

C. imitated parents D. advanced human skills


( )53. What happened before Egyptians discovered calculation?

A. Egyptians discovered writing. B. Egyptians started schools.

C. Sumerians invented writing. D. Sumerians started schools.


( )54. Education became possible only with the development of _______.

A. learning B. language C. calculation D. clocks



Once a landlord wanted to plant garlic in his fields. He found a group of boys and asked them to do the work for him. At lunch time he did not invite the boys to have lunch with his family. The boys had to sit by the door and have lunch on the ground. The landlord was afraid that other people would see the bad food for the boys. So with a smile on his face he said to them“Boysgo and eat in the house. This is for your food. If you eat here by the doorthe dogs will bite you.” The boys were surprised. But they said nothing and went to eat in the house. The landlord was quite pleased.

Supper time came and the boys went into the house again. When they walked past the landlord‘s roomthey looked in through the window. What do you think they saw there? They saw a big table with white bread and all kinds of good food on it. The landlord and his family were sitting around the table and eating their dinner. But the food for the boys was bad. The boys were very angry. They wanted to teach the landlord a lesson. So they decided to plant his garlic upside down. And that was what they did the next day.

A few days later the garlic was coming out everywhere but not in the landlord‘s fields. The landlord was very surprised and asked the boys why this was so. “The garlic is afraid that the dogs will bite it” the boys answered.

( )55. The landlord asked the boys to come because ________.

A. he wanted them to plant garlic for him

B. he wanted to invite them to have lunch with his family

C. he wanted to tell them to sit by the door

D. he wanted them to plant vegetables for him


( )56. The landlord asked the boys to eat in the house because _______.

A. he was afraid the dog would eat their food

B. he was afraid the dog would bite them

C. he thought other people would see the bad food for the boys

D. he was afraid the boys would play with the dog


( )57. The next day the boys planted the landlord‘s garlic upside down because _______.

A. they did not know how to plant it

B. they wanted to teach the landlord a lesson

C. they were afraid the dogs would bite it

D. they made a mistake


( )58. A few days later the landlord‘s garlic did not come out because ________.

A. the garlic was afraid the dogs would bite it

B. the boys had planted it upside down

C. the boys had not planted it at all

D. the boys had not watered it



The International Olympic Committee (IOC) said on February 9 it would award its highest honour to Arthur Ashethe tennis star and human rights fighter who died on February 6 of AIDS. He was 49.

The awardcalled the Olympic Orderis awarded to sportsmen and others for service to the Olympics and its principled.

Ashe never participated in the Olympicsbut IOC president Juan Antonio Samaranch said“I think he was really a thorough Olympian.”

Ashe is the first black man to win Wimbledon and the only black to win the Australian US open titles.

Last April 8he announced he had AIDSwhich he got from a blood transfusion during a heart operation in 1983.

Ashe often worked for racial equality in and out of sports. He said the happiest moment of his life was not winning Wimbledonbut when Nelson Mandela—South Africa‘s antiapartheid (反種族隔離的) leader—was freed from jail in 1990.

A quote from Ashe“I have good days and bad days. My ratio of good days to bad days is about six to one.”

( )59. The underlined word “award” in the first paragraph means “________”

A. send a telegraph B. give a prize

C. congratulate somebody D. be in memory of somebody


( )60. Arthur Ashe ________.

A. won Olympic gold medals in tennis

B. took part in several Olympic Games

C. was a famous sportsman in the Olympic Games which was held in South Africa

D. had not been in any Olympic games


( )61. ________ made Ashe happier than anything else.

A. Nelson Mandela‘s freedom

B. Winning the Australian US open titles

C. Juan Antonio Samaranch‘ s congratulation

D. His good days in his life


( )62. Which is correct?

A. There were as many good days in his life as bad days.

B. His good days were equal to his bad days.

C. He had more good days in all his life than bad days.

D. He had six good days in all his life.



For some time pastit has been widely accepted that babies—and other creatures—learn to do things because certain acts lead to “rewards”there is no reason to doubt that this is true. But it used also to be widely believed that effective rewardsat least in the early timehad to be directly connected to such basic physiological “drives” as thirst or hunger. In other wordsa baby would learn if he needed food or drink or some sort of physical comfortnot otherwise.

It is now clear that this is not so. Babies will learn to behave in ways that produce results in the world with no reward except success in sight.

Papousek began his studies by using milk in the normal way to “reward” the babies and so teach them to carry out some movementssuch as turning the head to one side or the other. Then he noticed that a baby who had had enough to drink would refuse the milk but would still go on makingthe learned response with clear signs of pleasure. So he began to study the children‘s responses in situations where no milk was provided. He quickly found that children as young as four months would learn to turn their heads to right or left if the movement “turned on” some lights—and indeed that they were able to learn some more turns to bring about this resultfor exampletwo left or two rightor even to make as many as three turns to one side.

Papousek‘ s light experiment was placed directly in front of the babies and he made the interesting observation that sometimes they would not turn back to watch the light closely although they would “smile and speak” when the light was on. Papousek concluded that it was not the sight of the lights which pleased them. It was the success they were achieving in solving the problemin mastering the skilland then there is a basic human nature to make sense of the world and bring it under control.

( )63. According to the writerbabies learn to do things which _______.

A. will satisfy their surprise B. will meet their physical needs

C. are directly connected to pleasure D. will bring them a feeling of success


( )64. Papousek noticed in his studies that a baby _________.

A. would make learned responses when it saw the milk

B. would continue the simple movements without being given milk

C. would turn its head to right or left when it had enough to drink

D. would carry out learned movements when it had enough to drink


( )65. The babies would “smile and speak” at the lights because ________.

A. they succeeded in “turning on” the lights

B. the sight of lights was interesting

C. they need not turn back to watch the lights

D. the lights were directly connected to some basic “drives”





Joe Hihave you read today‘s newspaper?


Joe The People‘s Daily.

Henry________67__________. But I only looked through it while having lunch.

Joe Did you notice an interesting article?


Joe About air pollution.

Henry________69__________. On which page?

Joe On page 5. At the bottom.

HenryGood. I‘ll read it this afternoon.

Joe Don‘t forget to tell me what you think after reading it.

HenrySure. __________70__________.

Joe See you.

66.答案:Which one (do you mean)

67.答案:YesI did

68.答案:What article / What is it about

69.答案:SorryI didn‘t

70.答案:See you later


  写一篇记述在海滨度周末的日记,内容包括以下几点:初夏,风和日丽;有很多游人和小船,我门捡贝壳(shell);日光浴(sun bathe)玩得很愉快。




  答案:June 182002Saturday Fine

Yesterday some of my classmates and I spent our weekend at the seaside.

It was sunny and a little hotbut the water was too cool to swim in. The sea was blue and calm. It shone merrily under the bright sun. There were boats floating here and there. People in them laughed and sang happily.

We took off our shoes and went into the cool water. We walked along the beach in the water. Some girls looked for shells on the shore. Then we lay down and bathed in the sun or played games until it was time to go home.

We all enjoyed a pleasant time at the seaside.
