




  第1题 请选择出划线部分读音不同的选项()



  第2题 请选择出划线部分读音不同的选项()



  第3题 请选择出划线部分读音不同的选项()



  第4题 请选择出划线部分读音不同的选项()



  第5题 请选择出划线部分读音不同的选项()




  第6Her boss________her to work day and night.

A.made B.had C.1etD.forced


  第7题 一Would you like to go to the cinema with us tonight?

  一________but I don’t think I can afford the time.

A.I'd like toB.I'd better go C.I didn’t want toD.I wouldn’t


  第8It is recorded that in l892 the weather became so cold that the river________ over·

A.freezes B.was freezing C.has frozenD.froze


  第9I________ ping-pong quite wellbut I haven’t had time to play since the new year·

A.will play B.have played C.playedD.Play


  第10The manager had Ms.Brunell ________the new assistant around yesterday.

A.to show B.showed C.showingD.show


  第11You miss the first bus________you start earlier.

A.if B.or C.untilD.unless


  第12John had made________rapid progress that the teacher praised him in class.

A.such B.very C.soD.such a


  第13Let’s go out for a walk________?

A.will we B.shall we C.are weD.do we


  第14They didn’t tell me________go for their holiday.

A.where will they B.where would theyC.where they will D.where they would


  第15All the people around were affected________tears by the sight.

A.for B.in C.to D.with


  第16I remember________her at the party last week.

A.to meet B.meeting C.having metD.to have met


  第17Of the two new teacherswho do you like________?

A.much B.better C.wellD.the most


  第18She never agree________youdid she?

A.to B.with C.inD.At


  第19Mr.Zhang gave the textbooks to all the pupils except________who had already taken them.

A.some B.the others C.onesD.the ones


  第20Hard as he worked________he couldn’t make enough money to support his family.

A.and B.but C.thereforeD.不填



Young Marconi had the teachers to give him lessons at home in Italy.He loved booksespecially 21__________ on science.He had curious mind and always wanted to prove for himself 22 __________he read.

23 __________daywhen he was sitting by an open windowit seemed that a thousand 24__________ filled his ears.“Where are they all 25 __________?”he asked himself.“And where will they go? What happens to all the words that people say?Do they 26__________ in the air around the earth27 __________ waiting for someone to pick them up?”

At once Marconi went to work.Sounds cal3 be made to 28 __________ he thoughtif they are given a push by electricity.If I call push a piece of wood across the waves of water.I can also 29__________ sounds through the air waves by electrical power.

A few weeks 30 __________ he called his mother and father up to his workroom for a 31__________ .He touched a little machineand two floors below there was the sound of a buzz(嗡嗡声).“How did you do it?”they asked.“Your machine is 32 __________ far from the sound.”

“That’s right”he said happily.“I have just found a 33 __________to carry sound without wires.’’

Although Marconi’S father did not think the wireless sound would 34 __________ be importanthe gave his son some money to 35 __________his work.“Fatherwith this money I am going to send messages round the world one day.”

  第21题 请选择出答案填入()

A.that B.those C.onesD.one


  第22题 请选择出答案填入()

A.that B.what C.ThingsD.books


  第23题 请选择出答案填入()

A.Some B.Certain C.AD.One


  第24题 请选择出答案填入()

A.noises B.voices C.soundsD.waves


  第25题 请选择出答案填入()

A.to B.along C.FromD.by


  第26题 请选择出答案填入()

A.fly B.float C.keepD.stay


  第27题 请选择出答案填入()

A.only B.just C.andD.so


  第28题 请选择出答案填入()

A.fly B.run C.travelD.go


  第29题 请选择出答案填入()

A.push B.fly C.setD.send


  第30题 请选择出答案填入()

A.before B.1ater C.pastD.ago


  第31题 请选择出答案填入()

A.wonder B.surprise C.frightD.joke


  第32题 请选择出答案填入()

A.so B.such C.muchD.enough


  第33题 请选择出答案填入()

A.road B.path C.wayD.mean


  第34题 请选择出答案填入()

A.ever B.forever C.neverD.not


  第35题 请选择出答案填入()

A.keep B.keep on C.go onD.continue




The home computer industry has been growing rapidly in the United States for the last ten years.Computers used to be large and expensive which were very difficult to use.But scientists and technicians have been making them smaller and cheaper while at the same time they have been made easier to use.As a result.their popularity has been increasing as more people have been buying computers for their homes and business.Computers have been designed to store information and computer problems that are difficult for human beings to work out.Some have voice that speak with the operators.Stores use computers to keep records of their inventories(存货清单)and to send bills to their customers.Offices use computers to copy lettersrecord business and keep in touch with other offices.People have been using computers in their homes to keep track of their money they spend.

One important new use for computers is for entertainment.Many new games have been designed to be played on the computers.People of all ages have been playing these games.People also have been buying home computers to play computer games.Watch movies and listen to concert at home.They have become very popular indeed.

  第36Computer used to________.

A.work rapidly B.be large and expensive

C.be easy to useD.be used for fun


  第37In resent yearscomputers are being made________.

A.1arger and more,expensive B.smaller and cheaper

C.more hard to useD.to work more slowly


  第38Home computers can be use for________.

A.writing letters B.playing games

C.doing businessD.all of the above


  第39The best title for the passage would be________.

A.New use for computer B.The popularity of home computer

C.The home computer IndustryD.Computers at home



I rushed into an ugly little shop to have the heels(鞋后跟)of my shoes repaired.“Please hurry.”I begged.

The shoemaker looked at me over his glasses.“Nowladywe won’t be long.I want to do a good job.You seeI have a tradition(传统)to live up to.My father was a shoemaker.He always told me‘Sondo the best job on every shoe that comes into the shopand be proud of you fine work.’”

As he handed me the finished shoeshe said“These will last a long time.’’

I left the shop with a warm and grateful(感激的)feeling.This was the beginning of our friendship.Since then I went into his shop every few days just to talk with him.

One dayI went in disappinted and angry because of a poor job some painters had done for me.

“They had no pride in their work”I said.“They didn’t want to work.They just wanted to collect their money for doing nothing.What can be done about it?’’

“There's only one way.Every mail or woman who hash’t a prideful tradition must start building one.No matter what sort of work a mall doesif he gives it his best each day.he's starting a tradition for his children to live up to.And he is making lots of happiness for him.self.’’

I went to Europe for a few months.When I returnedI learned that the old shoemaker suddenly had got sick two weeks agoright there in his shop.He had died a few days later.1 went home with a heavy heart. I would miss him.He had left me something——an important piece of wisdom(名言)I shall always remember“If you have a prideful traditionyou must carry it on;if you have notthen start building one now.’’

  第40题  The old shoemaker thought to do his best in his work each day was ________.

A.to make lots of happiness for others

B.to make plenty of happiness for himself

C.to start a tradition for himself to live up to

D.to build a tradition for his children to be proud of


  第41According to the old shoemaker's opinionif one didn’t do a good jobhe________.

A.didn'have a prideful tradition

B.just wanted to do nothing

C.wasn’t proud of his work

D.just wanted to collect others’money


  第42The lady formed a friendship with the old shoemaker because________.

A.she had the heels of her shoes repaired by him

B.he did a good job to the heels of her shoes

C.she went into his shop every few days to talk with him

D.he taught her all important piece of wisdom


  第43The old shoemaker died________.

A.only a few days before the lady returned from Europe

B.a few days after the lady returned from Europe

C.a few months after the lady went to Europe

D.two weeks before the lady returned from Europe



If you are writing or studyin9it makes very much difference where the light comes from.People who use books and pens every day have to be especially careful about the way the light shines on their work.

Every house gets i ts light either from daylight through the windows--which is the very best to use--or from lamps or electricitybut whichever kind of light it isthe way it shines toward our book or work is a matter of great importance to the eyes.

Take a book.sit with your back toward the windowand try to read.Your shadow(影子) falls all over the page and makes it almost as bad for your eyes as if you were in a dark room.

Now turn around and face the window.The page is in the shadow againwhile the bright light is in your eyes.

Try sitting with you fight side toward the window.This is very well for readingbut if you were writing.the shadow of your hand would fall across the page and bother(打搅)you a little.

There is just one other waysit with your left side to the window.Now everything is perfect for reading and for writingtoo.

Whatever kind oi light is in the roomthe rule about the right to sit is always the same.

  第44Which of the following is true?

A.How the light shines on our work is of much importance.

B.The way the light shines on your work makes no difference.

C.We needn't care about where the light comes from.

D.People can write or study under a light that comes from any direction.


  第45You shouldn't sit with your back towards the window because________.

A.the light is too dark

B.the light is bad for your eyes

C.you are in a dark room

D.your book is in your shadow


  第46When you sit with your face towards the window, ________.

A.your shadow falls on your book

B.your book is in a shadow

C.the light is still dark

D.the light is on your page


  第47The best way both for reading and for writing is to________.

A.sit facing the light

B.1et the light shine from your back

C.sit with your right side towards the light

D.have the light come from your left



Forty—thousand of the world’ s young children die every day.Many of these deaths can be prevented.In factexperts saytechniques now exist to save the lives of half of these children.The techniques are medically effective(有效的)simple to use and low cost.The biggest task has been to inform parents about these life-saving techniques.

Diarrhea(腹泻)is the main cause of death among children in developing countries.Diarrhea results when the body tries to clear itself of harmful bacteria(细菌).The body does this by getting our liquidssometimes uncontrollably.If too much watersugar and salt ale lost in this waythe body cannot work normally.The child may die.

The Uni ted Nations International Children’s FundUNICFintroduces a technique.It uses a simple mixture of sugar and salt in water.The mixture does not stop diarrhea.But if used often as neededit keeps fluid(体液)levels normal until the body has fought off the harmful bacteria.

In Egyptfor examplethe treatment was used in a children’s health care program in the province of Alexandria.It reduced by one—half the number of deaths caused by diarrhea.The technique has now been used throughout the country.

  第48题  According to the passagea large number of Children can be saved only when________.

A.the life—saving ways are medically effective

B.their parents are rich enough for the life—saving techniques

C.rite life—saving techniques are easy to use

D.their parents learn the life—saving techniques


  第49Which of the following situations will cause the death of a child?

A.Tile child clears its body of bacteria.

B.The body loses liquids without any control.

C.The child has diarrhea in a developing country.

D.The body controls its fluid levels.


  第50When the mixture is usedit is important to________..

A.keep sugar and salt in water

B.drink it as often as necessary

C.take it as much as possible

D.use it to kill the bacteria



David51________________is Mrs.White at home?

ServantYesshe is.May I know your name?

DavieYes.My name is DavidDavid Hollywood.

Servant52________________ Mr.Hollywood.Come inplease.

DavidHiSue.Glad to see you again after so many years abroad.

SusanHiDavid. 53________________ and see me.

DavidI haven’t seen you for about three years since I left for Germany.How have you Been?

SusanVery wellthank you. 54________________ ?

DavidJust finethank you.I was very much homesick and missed my friends.

Susan55________________ ? Are they all fine?

DavidThey are all very wellthank you.

  第51题 请在划线部分填写答案。

  答案:Excuse me

  第52题 请在划线部分填写答案。

  答案:You are welcome

  第53题 请在划线部分填写答案。

  答案:How/It's nice(kind)of you to come

  第54题 请在划线部分填写答案。

  答案:How about you

  第55题 请在划线部分填写答案。

  答案:How is your family


  第56题 请以Food and Health为题写一篇文章。

  提示:在发达国家中,人们越来越多地意识(become aware of)到了饮食与健康之间的关系(link)。好的饮食包括蛋白(protein)、脂肪、维生素(vitamins)等等。然而,在发展中国家,相当一部分人仍然没有意识到健康饮食的重要性。结果,像癌症、心脏病这类疾病与日俱增。而在发达国家中,这类疾病日益减少。所以发展中国家的政府应该采取措施,鼓励人们重视正确饮食。


Food and Health


Food and Health

Nowadaysmore and more people in the developed countries are becoming aware of the link between diet and good health.They are trying to have a balanced diet containing protein.fat.vitamins and minerals as well as fresh fruit and vegetables which ale good for health.

In most of the developing countrieshoweverquite a few people still don’t realize the importance of a healthier diet.As a result.diseases such as cancer and heart disease are increasingwhile in the developed countiesthese diseases have fallen.

It is time for the governments of the developing countries to do something to encourage the eating of the fight kinds of food.Otherwisepeople will suffer more.
