




( )1The last man ______the sinking ship was the captain.

A. left B. leaves C.to be leaving D.to leave

( ) 2One of his many faults is that he never _____ anything very long.

A. decides on B. sticks to C. goes over D. makes up

( ) 3You are worthy______ the honour.

A.to B.at C. for D. of

( ) 4Billing pitched so well ______ everyone cheered him at the end of the game?

A.as B.since C.that D.whereas

( ) 5The ________ of blood always makes him feel sick.

A.sight B.view C.look D.form

( ) 6. I am glad that I can have a ____ holiday.

A. five-days B. five-day C. five days D. five day

( ) 7The shoes he wore made his________ look funny.

A.feet B.foots C.hand D.foot

( ) 8. Please speak loud, or you never make yourself____ .

A. hear B. hearing C. to hear D. heard

( ) 9. We should think of ____ old and ____ sick.

A. a; a B. an ; a

C. the; the D. / ; /

( ) 10- Would you please go out for a walk with us?

- ________, but I’m very busy now.

A.Of course not B.I’d like to

C.That’s all right D.That’s right

( ) 11- Can I get you a cup of tea?

- ________.

A.That’s very nice of you B.With pleasure

C.You can, please D.Thank you for the tea

( ) 12- When can I call on you, afternoon or evening?

- ________. I’ll be at home all the time.

A. Any B.Either C.Both D.Neither

( ) 13. Neither his brother nor his sister____ to be friendly.

A. appear B. appears C. are appearing D. is appearing

( ) 14- May I use your phone?

- ________.

A.No, I don’t mind B.Yes, you do it

C.Yes, my pleasure D.I’m afraid not

( ) 15He is much more_______ a German.

A.like to be B.liking to be C.likely to be D.likely

( ) 16I was so________ moved by his words that I couldn’t fall asleep________into the night.

A.deep…deeply B.deep…deep C.deeply…deeply D.deeply…deep

( ) 17He’s a new comer. So we try to be as________to him as we could.

A.friend B.friends C.friendly D.good friends

( ) 18She had a good time last night,________?

A.hadn’t she B.had she C.didn’t she D.did she

( ) 19There is ____ picture on ___ wall, I like ____ picture very much.

A. a; the; the B. a; the; a C. the; a ;a D. a; an; the

( ) 20 --________ ?

-- He is a tall young man with blue eyes and broad shoulders.

A. What is he like B. What does he look like

C. What does he like D. How is he

( ) 21She no longer talked and laughed_______ she used to.

A.like B.as though C.as D.just as

( ) 22I don’t know why______ late for class.

A.you are B.are you C.are you being D.being you are

( ) 23——— Hello, may I speak to John?

——— Yes,________ .

A. My name is John B. I’m John

C. This is John speaking D. John is me

( ) 24________of them knows much English.

A.No B.None C. Both D.Not all

( ) 25Will you______ the book Tom Sawyer________ him if he wants to________ it ________you?

A.lend…to…borrow…from B.lend…to…borrow…of

C.borrow…to…lend…from D.lend…for…borrow…of

( ) 26It was________ who helped Tom out when he was in trouble.

A. I B.me C.us D. ours

( ) 27During the holidays I shall help my father ________.

A.with working B.with his work C.for work D.for working

( ) 28Such a device ________ he was given proved almost worthless.

A.as B.like C.that D.which

( ) 29My car is not so fashionable as ________.

A.he’s B.he C.his D.his’

( ) 30________ of them knew about the plan because it was secret.

A.Some B.Any C.No one D.None


1-5D B D C A 6-10B A D C B 11-15: A B B D C

16-20: D C C A B 21-25: C A C B A 26-30: A B A C D
